About Us
Janet and Henry are currently a Registered Therapy Team with Pet Partners. Their mission is to spread love and compassion to everyone they meet at hospitals, schools, clinics, and employee wellness events. Additionally, they participate in the Read to a Dog program at North Sacramento Library. A child was reading a book to Henry one day and asked if he had his own book. Hmmm that sounds like a great idea and an opportunity to share the “joy that is Henry” with others. Thus, the idea was born to create a book that could be enjoyed by all ages. Henry’s wonderful eyebrows and smoochable face are hard to resist.
Henry is a proud Sutter Bay Retriever, bred by Tracy and Tellus Calhoun, at Sutter Bay Retriever Junction, Albany, Oregon. Henry’s father, Edge, is owned and bred by 1DRDOGS in Calgary, Ontario so Henry is actually half Canadian. Tracy and Tellus carefully and lovingly breed their dogs based on The Avidog Way. The pups are “bred for purpose” and many advance to various service and therapy careers. All are very much loved family dogs and devoted companions. Henry comes from a long line of therapy dogs including his wonderful Aunt JJ who was a much loved Hospice Therapy Dog. It is our belief that JJ walks along with us on our hospital rounds today.
Janet is a Registered Nurse and completed a Master in Public Administration from the University of San Francisco and PhD in Human Development/Developmental Psychology at the University of California, Davis. Her focal area is Infant and Child Development. She recently retired after over 40 years as a clinical, research, and administrative RN and now spends her time volunteering with Henry to serve patients, families, staff, children, and the local community.
Our sincere thanks to everyone who has supported us on our journey to become a Registered Therapy Team and who come along on our Great Adventures. You can follow us on Facebook at Henry’s Great Adventures. Our very best to you and yours.